Saturday, 4 September 2010

So it's been a while...

And as you can see, Baby boy Brown mk 2 is well on the way! He is as yet unnamed, but due on October 11th. I'm hoping he's a bit smaller than Ethan was at 8lbs 11oz, big babies are unusual on my side, but not Richard's. Baby is measuring a little small, but we'll just have to wait and see!

Ethan is now 2 and 3 months, and is potty training. He's doing fairly well with it, so hopefully he'll crack it soon.

In other news, I passed my Driving Theory test on friday, so will hopefully soon crack on with the practical test, although the baby will cause a bit of a delay! Fingers crossed it will be done before Christmas.

Apart from that, all quiet on the western front!

Update: This blog has now moved to - Hope to see you over there!

Thursday, 4 February 2010

Sad Day :(

This is my lovely Granny Witts, and this morning my Dad phoned me to say that she died last night. She was very ill with pneumonia, but didn't suffer too much, and was at the care home where she lived rather than hospital. She is a lovely strong lady, and had a tough time the last few years, losing first one leg, then the other, and several fingers. Obviously the whole thing is very sad, and today is very difficult, but I know that she is at peace now, and that she is with Grandpa again.

Now when I think of them, they are sitting together on a park bench, together again, feeding some ducks by a river, and they're happy. I miss them both, but I know they are much happier now, and together, and it will all be ok.

I love you Granny x

Update: This blog has now moved to - Hope to see you over there!

Thursday, 21 January 2010

Vintage Pearl Giveaway!

The Vintage Pearl, where I got the above necklace is having a giveaway to win one of their new pieces. Go to for a chance to win!

Monday, 18 January 2010

Sewed my first stuffed toy!

I love to sew, and my Sister in law Joanne, Mother in law Joyce and I sew and craft together for sales - check out if it interests you too!

Anyway, Joyce lent me a lovely book called The Soft Toy Book, and I chose this penguin to try first. I've made 2 now and they are so cute! I struggled a bit with the first one - I'd suggest not using material that curls up at the edges! They're not perfect, but I'm happy with them.

My next project is to attempt a baby Clover blanket - it's shaped like a four leaf clover for easy folding around babies! Will update with progress..... if it goes alright!

Update: This blog has now moved to - Hope to see you over there!

Monday, 11 January 2010

Persistant Snow

The snow is staying - although it's turning to slush now with some rain, which means work is on, in some slippery conditions! Last week I went to help a woman in her car who was wheel-spinning and went flat on my back! Elegant and graceful, that's me!

We've abandoned the pushchair in favour of the sled, and Ethan thinks it's great!
Well, most of the time anyway. Today he was a bit tired, and on the way home after I finished work he was starting to flag..... next time I looked around, he was slumped over the bag, fast asleep. I had to pull him the rest of the way like this:
Poor little thing. Still, it's hard to be a wakeful energetic 18month old at.....10 in the morning.

Little slacker! :)

Update: This blog has now moved to - Hope to see you over there!

Saturday, 2 January 2010

Overrun by Boys

This is Rich, Ethan and Matthew, Rich's brother at The Royal Armouries in Leeds on Monday. What this picture doesn't show is that immediately after Matt I had a go and blew his score out of the water, not that I'm proud of that. Much.

This is a very common sight in my world, but it still feels a bit strange.

Being overrun with boys is a fairly new concept for me. I grew up number 5 of 6 girls, and although we all had friends of both sexes, girls almost always outnumbered boys.

I went to an all girls secondary school until I was 15 too, and boyfriends were a completely foreign concept to me until I was 16, and started going out with Richard for the first time.

And Yes, that's the same Richard I am married to, but that's another story.

Anyway, I am overrun with boys/men. My sisters are spread far and wide, across the country and 2 in New Zealand, and Rich has 3 brothers (two still single..ish) and a sister. On Rich's side we have 3 nephews and no nieces, and of course Ethan. Any girlishness in me is pretty dormant!

I have learned to embrace the way of the man. On Sunday nights at 8pm I get the chance to talk to my brothers-in-law (BILs) properly, for real conversation! (well, sort of.) The wierd part? we're not in the same house, let alone room. We play Halo3 on the Xbox 360.

Women rarely understand why I'd even want to, but it's actually really fun, and it's meant I have become friends with my BILs. Without the Xbox, I would hardly know them at all.
Also, it's fun when I beat them and prove that girls are awesome too.

Update: This blog has now moved to - Hope to see you over there!

Friday, 1 January 2010

Christmas and haircuts

So, Santa came! We had a lovely Christmas, spent with family, and no cooking for me! *cue maniacal laughter*

We had some lovely things and Ethan got lots of toys that he is grateful for!

Now for the sad news - The curls are gone! Ethan has been called a girl by accident a fair few times recently, and so I caved to the pressure to cut his hair.

I want to weep. Hopefully they'll grow back, but we can't be sure.

Update: This blog has now moved to - Hope to see you over there!