Thursday, 4 February 2010

Sad Day :(

This is my lovely Granny Witts, and this morning my Dad phoned me to say that she died last night. She was very ill with pneumonia, but didn't suffer too much, and was at the care home where she lived rather than hospital. She is a lovely strong lady, and had a tough time the last few years, losing first one leg, then the other, and several fingers. Obviously the whole thing is very sad, and today is very difficult, but I know that she is at peace now, and that she is with Grandpa again.

Now when I think of them, they are sitting together on a park bench, together again, feeding some ducks by a river, and they're happy. I miss them both, but I know they are much happier now, and together, and it will all be ok.

I love you Granny x

Update: This blog has now moved to - Hope to see you over there!