Found on Pinterest but unfortunately it just linked back to spam.
Today I walked/jogged 3 and a half miles :) I'm once again on the weight loss wagon, and I'm attempting to follow the couch to 5k plan in a vague sort of way. It's not that I particularly wish to be able to run 3 miles per se - I still see it as a chore rather than enjoy it - but I do want to be fitter and definitely thinner.
The basic of the plan is that you start with jogging short distances in between walking. I figured I could manage that, as I was already used to walking 3 miles in the morning. So, I started my walk, waited til I was sufficiently warmed up, and started to jog. Within 20 seconds I thought I was going to die, but I pushed through, the only reason being that I only had to jog for 60 seconds at a time.
What I hadn't thought about was that it was much harder to run than it is to walk... when you're pushing one of these.
About 30lbs of cute. Plus the not very light pushchair.
BUT I did it. In fact 3.5 miles is the farthest I've gone during pre-school hours, and it took me slightly less time that 3 miles did walking. I'd say I nailed it!
And I don't regret it at all, even though my legs hurt and I was cold and it rained on me ever so slightly. I felt great, invigorated, ready to go! In fact I'm looking forward to doing it again. Well maybe that's going a bit far. But I'm not dreading it :)
Next Hurdle: *Shudder* getting up early specifically to go do exercise. It's a big hurdle, I love my bed, but it brings a reward, not having to push the pushchair. I'll let you know if I manage it. I'm slightly doubtful, as I woke up early enough to get up and go do it this morning, but I chose to rollover and go back to sleep.
That's just how I am, I love a nice warm bed, but the quest for the waist of yesteryear is strong in me, We shall see if I succeed or fail.
On another note of success and failure, I told my sister about this morning's run/walk, and there was talk of signing up for Race for Life. Wibble.
Update: This blog has now moved to - Hope to see you over there!