Tuesday, 22 May 2012

4 years ago.

It started  in the afternoon, a week overdue with me completely clueless as to what was going to happen. I was resting my enormous baby bump on a gym ball. Rich came home to me wondering if my waters had gone, and took me to the hospital to get checked over.

We got there and had a frankly hilarious conversation with the midwife who was quite insistent that I'd possibly just wet myself. Only before she'd come into the room, my waters had gone all over the floor on the other side of the bed. While telling me I'd probably just wet myself, she walked around the bed, and skidded in the enormous puddle. Bit of karmic justice there. She told me I was 'probably not in labour' and she'd send me home, except my blood pressure was up and with it being 8pm, Dr's were few and far between to check me over and I couldn't go.

Two hours later and we went over to the labour ward as I was progressing, hurrah! I got set up with the lovely gas and air, and later an epidural, and I got a little sleep.

Rich went off in search of food, and found a vending machine with one sandwich in it. Filled with carrot and hummus. He left it there.

I woke up just before 3, and after 40 minutes of really *fun* pushing, Ethan James Brown came hurtling into the world. 8lbs 11oz, 53cms long, and spreading out like he was relieved to be out. He looked pretty big to me, and he pretty much filled the fishbowl cot.

He was scrumptious, and he was ours.

I remember it like it was yesterday, but somehow he's already at nursery school. In September he'll start reception. He already has an 18 month old brother. He can write his name. He draws. He asks questions about his world. He has the most amazing imagination. He comes out with the funniest things. Yesterday he was telling me that when he was in my tummy, he decided he wanted to come out because he wanted a cuddle with his Daddy. A few days ago he said "The bees won't fly in my ears now because I smell like jelly beans."

It has been a demanding, crazy, tiring, awesome, infuriating, hilarious 4 years. I can't wait for more.

Update: This blog has now moved to www.undomesticaited.wordpress.com - Hope to see you over there!