Time has once again slipped by without a
post. What can I say? Three children under 6 is BUSY. I also try to
abide by the rule of Bill Murray in Groundhog Day, where he says to the
groundhog, "don't drive angry!" though in this case it's don't blog grumpy, as being hungry tends to make me a little snappish.
I love this movie more than is a normal amount.
quick roundup. We've had a fairly uneventful month, although after a
week of sleeping through Henry got another cough and it was all over,
sad trombone. However, it has now passed again and fingers crossed, he's
back on track.
Speaking of illness, I have got a raging case of tonsillitis. It began a few days ago with a tickly throat and continued with a trip to the walk in clinic on friday night (the big V!) where I was told "Oh yes, that is a
lot of pus." Why thank you grumpy nurse, that's exactly what I wanted
to hear about the inside of my throat. Gross. This was then emphasised
by the pharmacist who when checking my antibiotics said "so take 2 four
times a day.... is it a bad infection?" Clearly that is a large dose of
penicillin, for which I am very grateful. Don't worry, there is no
picture. This is not that kind of blog.
Last weekend my Dad was up to visit now that he's home from New Zealand
which was lovely, I've missed both him and my mum while they've been
gone. She's still out there, sunning it up! Dad was kind enough to take
the big two boys out on Saturday afternoon so that Rich and I could have
a bit of a rest and then we had a delicious chinese
takeaway for dinner, naughty but oh so good. So good in fact that Rich
and I had it again for dinner when I got back from the doctor on friday... oops. While he was up he took this picture for us, which is I think the first one of the five of us together.
Even though it was taken before I could get my Sunday morning make up on, I still love it.
Valentine's day was a bit drab what with the illness, but it was still nice. I made this for Rich...
now I look at it kind of seems like an order, or slightly obnoxious.
"Hey, You love me!" At least we all know now who wears the pants... The
words in the back are the lyrics to All I ask of You from Phantom of the
Opera, which was sung at our wedding. I totally stole the idea from
seeing something similar online,
but changed the scrabble tiles for keyboard letters, because we've
never played scrabble ever, and also because we had an old broken netbook. He loved it, and got me my favourite chocolates now that the ban has been lifted. which segues us nicely into the diet.
I've lost 12lbs in about 4 weeks. I cheated once as my sister Sam sent
some homemade chocolates over for a belated Christmas gift and they
weren't going to last. I'm pretty pleased with myself, that's a decent
chunk of weight and I'm almost to the first stone off. All the right
places are shrinking, and I feel a lot better about myself already. My
end goal is to be able to fit into my wedding dress by our 9th
anniversary, which is July 23rd, so I've got plenty of time. In between
I've got little goals to get to, the first one being 12st 7lbs, which I
beat just over a week ago. The next one is one stone off, which will be
12st 4, only 2 lbs away. I'm not happy with the numbers, but I've
decided I'm not ashamed to write them down. They're only numbers, and
they don't define me. My body has done amazing things (insert cheesy
music here) and grown 3 humans. It has acceptable wear and tear. But
just because I'm not ashamed doesn't mean I can't improve.
for the month of no chocolates and sweets, I thought it would be
harder. I'm really glad I did it as it made me realise how I was eating a
bit of chocolate here or a few of the kids treats there. I've not felt
the need to gorge on it now I can have it. My dad brought me back two
large bars of Cadbury's Blackforest Chocolate, which is quite possibly the most delicious flavour ever, with little biscuity
and cherry flavoured jelly bits. I ate more than I should have, but not
as much as I would have before. It was however still too much for my
digestive system since I had my gall bladder out, which it reminded me
of with some wicked stomach cramps. Therefore, I still have chocolate
lurking about the house and hopefully it'll last me a fair while longer.
So, success for now!
of all, I'll just mention the amazing family trip out yesterday where I
dosed myself up and we all went indoor surfing with extended family. I
was however doing the surfing and don't have the pictures back yet so I
shall do a proper post on that another time.
For now, despite the tonsils that are trying to kill me, life is good.
Update: This blog has now moved to www.undomesticaited.wordpress.com - Hope to see you over there!