My Pampered Chef Chopper. I like to cook (I almost typed love, but that would be a lie!) but I hate chopping. I can never 'dice', I end up with massive chunks and it takes me ages. 30 seconds with the chopper and it's this:
The Foxwise Etsy shop. Harry Potter and The Hunger Games AND Serenity, oh my! This I love SO much :

And this:
And if you don't know the second reference, you REALLY need to watch Firefly and Serenity. Trust me, you are missing out.
My favourite blog,, run by Jen and John Yates, who are by far the coolest couple I've ever not met. Their house., oh my gosh, it's steam punk-a-licious. And Jen's penny desk. So so cool.
Thanksgiving dinner. People of England (nay, the non-American world), we are getting gypped. On Wednesday night (yes, it should have been Thursday, but there was a lot on this week) I went up to church for the Relief Society Thanksgiving Dinner, and boy, was it delicious. It was like Christmas a month early! Turkey, gravy, roast potatoes and roast veg, broccoli in a delicious cheese sauce, sweet potato mash.
And the dessert. Pumpkin Pie. for something that is basically sludgey brown baked custardish stuff in pastry, amazing! I also, like a pig, had a slice of homemade chocolate cheesecake too. The night was perfect. Plus I sat with 3 pregnant friends who also had 2 desserts, so I didn't feel as bad :)
Next week is one of said pregnant friend's baby shower, where I get to give her my gift. I'm so excited, I made her this:
It's my first attempt at a baby blanket, and I love it, so I hope she does too!
P.S. It took me 3 edits to make those links work. I was at the precipice of the decent into rage, so thank goodness it worked this time ;)

And if you don't know the second reference, you REALLY need to watch Firefly and Serenity. Trust me, you are missing out.
My favourite blog,, run by Jen and John Yates, who are by far the coolest couple I've ever not met. Their house., oh my gosh, it's steam punk-a-licious. And Jen's penny desk. So so cool.
here is how they did it.

My Mother in law, Joyce. On Wednesday I had to take Ethan for his pre-school booster injections (which, incidentally, NO ONE loved), it was Grandparents' day at Ethan's pre-school, and also staff double discount day at Asda (thanks to my Brother in law, Sam, we had access to a card). Joyce kindly went to school with Ethan for an hour, waited at home with me til he finished, took us over to Asda after, paid for my shopping as I'd forgotten to get cash out, took us to the doctors, waited with Sam while I took Ethan in, waited again while I took him straight back in (screaming, I hasten to add) as he had a rash around his stab site, and then brought us home. Not to mention the midnight babysitting she has done 3 times now (4 if you count Sam's birth) for us when I've had to go into hospital. She is pretty golden! If I need help I know I can ring her and if she possibly can, she'll be over in a flash, just as I know my own Mum would if she was close enough. I'm very lucky!

And the dessert. Pumpkin Pie. for something that is basically sludgey brown baked custardish stuff in pastry, amazing! I also, like a pig, had a slice of homemade chocolate cheesecake too. The night was perfect. Plus I sat with 3 pregnant friends who also had 2 desserts, so I didn't feel as bad :)
Next week is one of said pregnant friend's baby shower, where I get to give her my gift. I'm so excited, I made her this:
P.S. It took me 3 edits to make those links work. I was at the precipice of the decent into rage, so thank goodness it worked this time ;)
Update: This blog has now moved to - Hope to see you over there!