Wednesday, 9 November 2011

Bonfire Night in Blackpool

We had a gorgeous (if freezing) day in Blackpool on Saturday with Richard's parents, and his Sister, brother-in-law and nephew Seth. It was lovely! We walked along the front and Ethan begged to be allowed onto the beach, where he ran around like a loon :)

Note the ever-present Raffey :)

Where there is a wall, it must be walked on. Such is the law of small children.

I've never been to Blackpool before, except for one year pre-children when Rich and I went to drive through the Illuminations after a temple visit. I love it, it's so... tacky! We went up the tower, where we saw a 4D movie that Ethan freaked out at a bit, I think the 3D felt a bit close to him, and then we got a bit wet and clouds and foam came out, but he calmed down and laughed when I got wet. We got to the top, and the little trooper ran straight out onto the 'sky walk' (ie glass floor :S ) while I stood at the edge and clutched a metal girder in fear. It took me by surprise actually, I've done similar before in the Sky Tower in New Zealand which is far taller! I eventually walked across, while holding Rich's dad's hand!

We then walked for AGES along the illuminations, which were lovely, but lasted for miles. I remember distinctly thinking at least I'm burning off the KFC I had for lunch. The only dark blot on the day was that I missed out on fresh donuts. That and the creepy stall guys on the pier who badgered us to play the games, then one of them followed me for a bit, it was really uncomfortable, but I got through it with a constant ignore policy!

I love this one, even though it's blurry, the web of lights and the moon were cool :)

These were my favourite decorations, Daleks and Tardises (Tardii?)

And to finish, something that amused in the view from the tower... how would you get your car out of this?!

All of these cars were parked, not one of them moving. I don't even know how they got in, let alone out!

Update: This blog has now moved to - Hope to see you over there!

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