Some progress on last week. We have the crib, put together and everything, all ready for baby, kindly brought back oop north for us by my sister Amy. We ordered the bargainous car seat, with almost £70 off! It arrived on Wednesday and I love it, very cute and nice and light. We ordered it from kiddicare on Monday at 4ish and it was here around 8am Wednesday, so really not bad service at all. It was free delivery over £30, so Rich ordered nappies to make it up as with the big discount it was only £22.50!
We also had a practise run putting it in the car (Rich's idea, in my opinion once you've managed to fit one car seat they're pretty much the same) and it's now waiting it the boot of the car.
The box provided much entertainment for the boys who played rockets to the moon with it all day on Wednesday, then on Thursday Daddy tasked them with smushing it for recycling, so naturally they loved that, it now has several holes in it where they took to poking pencils through it when drawing on it became boring.
This morning the new mattress for the crib arrived, another bargain, this time from eBay with a new in package mattress in the right size for only £10. The mattress with the family crib didn't have holes or anything, but I caught a glimpse of the tag and it is 17 years old, obviously bought new for my oldest nephew! So I had a look online and thought for £10 it was worth getting a new one.
Of course, when it arrived I was in the shower and had literally just foamed up the shampoo when knock knock! Cue panic. I got shampoo in my eye, so while squinting grabbed a towel and rushed to the top of the stairs, where I realised I had grabbed a smallish towel. Ordinarily, that would be awkward but not offensive, but seeing as I now resemble the shape and size of a blimp, it was NOT good. Luckily Ethan came to the rescue and opened the door while I stood out of view but in earshot. The postman seemed a little taken aback (though not nearly as much as if I'd opened the door) and asked him to give it to his Mummy. Hideous viewing of almost nudity averted.
Yesterday, being Thursday, Rich was working at home, and we also had to go to the bank at lunch time, so we nipped into Sainsbury's for a few essentials and found these:
So cute! And on offer. Finally, FINALLY, the shops are bringing out a bit of colour in the baby clothes! I guess because it's going to be summer they think it's ok now. I'll even forgive them for not having front or back poppers and thus meaning they;ll have to be put on like a t-shirt, which is sooo easy with a newborn ;) I also spotted a cute set in Morrison's while shopping which had little elephants on, but I didn't get them because if I bought all the cute things I see we'd be bankrupt by ooh, 5 minutes ago.
35 weeks. My app says that means 35 days to go. Obviously this is tosh, and it'll probably be more like 42-49 days, as I went over with the boys. Still, at most, 7 weeks to go! Exciting!
Update: This blog has now moved to - Hope to see you over there!
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